Open source route planning for .NET

Introducing the Optimization Module

Posted 19 Feb 2018, By Ben Abelshausen

The Itinero project originally started as a logistical optimization project for newspaper delivery. We built a new and improved version on top of the current routing core. In this first version we support routes for one vehicle at time, check out the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) for more information. We use a combination of Genetic Algorithms, local search and Guided Neighbourhood Search to get good results very fast.

Stable release

Posted 20 Mar 2017, By Ben Abelshausen

We have released v1.0 of Itinero! Get it now via nuget or check github. We are very proud of this and we tried to limit features to get to v1.0 fast but we could have done better, this release contains a lot of new stuff when comparing with the state of the project back when it was called OsmSharp.


Posted 14 Oct 2016, By Ben Abelshausen

We’ve released a first version of an OpenLR encoder/decoder based on Itinero. Check the MIT-licensed code in the repository on GitHub!

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